TSL | Taiwan Sing Language Gleaning
TSL | Taiwan Sing Language Gleaning
good (used to express compliment), good job
Action description
Raise the thumb of one of your hands, curve the other four fingers, face the palm inward, and present the sign forward a bit before making a firm stop. It is essentially a thumbs-up sign used to express compliment.
Example sentence
- He (Lao Wang) has been watching him. He praised him (the apprentice), saying that he is good. You have mentioned that he's good. You said that before.
- He can even cut a key. He tries everything. He didn't go to school but he is not stupid. He learns everything I taught him. He is really smart and he even does more research by himself. He is great.
- He never frets for too long. He is a nice person.
- Did you just drill a hole and put it on it? It takes a lot of time and effort. You are brainy. You do research if you have no idea what it is. You are smart for figuring out how to categorize.
- It's good to have him. I cannot handle the store by myself. Since I can take turns with him, I have more time to take a break and therefore have more energy. I pay him and he is really good.